From the Meadows and Groves

Zlatka and Hanuš Lamr are a husband-and-wife duo that, at the first encounter, invite you into their space of Zen-like calmness and unexpected modesty. They are artists, and you don't know whether to first gush over Zlatka's delicately fluffy embroideries or Hanus' stunning elaborate jewelry. One sunny summer day, Helena Dařbujánová, our court architect, brought this couple from Prague, her friends, to Havlíček Villa. And we are very grateful to her for that.

They both loved our space. The genius loci of the villa is still alive: the villa's fascinating history from being an apartment building built by the Prince Liechtenstein, then a medical center, to the current modern gallery and a cafe with refined interiors. And we loved the Lamrs! Our guests from the capital city were enchanted by southern Moravia and our villa. The inevitable happened: an exhibition! And not just any exhibition! We wanted to bring to Havlíček Villa an exhibition that would present not only Hanuš, but also Zlatka, in an attractive and unique setup. So that the visitors and we would discover in each room a mystery, a spellbinding nature, and a thrilling story connected to a specific stitching of a thread or a selected piece of jewelry. Sometimes a sad story, other times a happy one, because they happen daily here in South Moravia.

From the meadows and groves. Heat, harvest, cycles of life, buds opening, uncontrollable vitality, transformations, storms and birds chirping, elusiveness, gentle breeze. The Lamrs present all that in Havlíček Villa. It is an exhibition you won't see anywhere else in the world. It was growing for one year in collaboration with the Lamrs, Helena Dařbujánová and the Moravská krása team. And now it is here - to instill humility, peace, and joy in you, too. Enjoy it!

Team Moravian Glory


CGD 20