The longing for paradise, no matter what each of us imagines it to be, remains relevant for every generation. The jewelry and objects from this collection are raw, unrefined, thus intentionally unfinished, just as we ourselves are. They are the plants and fruits from our earthly Garden of Eden. Beauty, you see, does not rest within perfection, but in life itself, from youth through old age. Thus the plants and fruits are cracked or without blossoms, yet still beautiful thanks to a bronze transformation. Objects linked to Christian symbols such as the pomegranate, a bunch of wine grapes, bee honeycombs, and the houseleek (sempervivum) have found their place in the Lust for Eden collection. Represented materials are primarily bronze, silver, stones, glass, or schorl (black tourmaline) placed in a cross on a stylized altar.

product photo Andrea Thiel Lhotáková
fashion photo Zara Wildmoons
models Metteorwa, Michal Hraňo